TTSP Voting System


Welcome to the TTSP Citizen Voting System

I envision this system in the future to be a system that governs the country directly. The aim of it is to eliminate useless ineffective and corrupt Politicians. It is time the masses decide and govern themselves.
The corrupt politicians have NEVER served the needs of the People.

We intend this system to be the collective voice of the people of Trinidad and Tobago.

Regular citizens will be able to raise issues and have them voted upon as a collective.

How to Use This System

Once you are signed in you will be able to Post about community issues that are important to you, then we vote on them as a country

Once a certain threshhold is met the data from the system will be sent to members of Parliament for review and final approval..

Our Collective Voices matter. The people of trinidad and Tobago have Spoken

In the future we will link this system to your crypto wallets. Once verified you will be sent a NFT. This will be your security token to access the future voting system.

Submit Topic for Community Vote

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