We look at our fellow brothers and sisters being constantly abused and oppressed and we turn our heads.
My brothers of Beetham and Sea Lots have been making their voices heard for years.

I look at the news and I see the workers of Sri Lanka fighting for their rights.
But here in Trini? We like it so.
What happens when they come for you?
They have already come for you my comrades. This is why we no longer have control of our own resources. Why? They have come for us.
We have the biggest Pitch Lake in the world yet we cannot drive 100 meters without hitting a shock and rim destroying pothole. Why? They have come for us.
We have oil resources yet our prices at the pump have sky rocketed? Why? They have come for us.
Our mail and telecommunication services are not ran by local entities. Why? They have come for us.

My people of Beetham, Laventille and Sea Lots! Keep up the fight! The World's Eyes are Now Upon You!