Trinidad Should Learn From the Venezuelans
The Heritage Fund is essentially a financial reserve, created to protect and benefit the people of Trinidad and Tobago and to secure it's future, and as such, it should be stored in a way that is most beneficial and secure for the nation.
Trinidad and Tobago is a small Caribbean nation with a population of 1.3 million people. Its economy is heavily dependent on the export of oil and gas, which is why it is important for the country to have a Heritage Fund to protect its economy from the volatility of oil prices. The Heritage Fund is a type of savings account that is designed to protect the country’s long-term financial stability and is usually composed of a mix of investments, such as bonds and stocks.

The Petro Dollar is Dying
The petrodollar system is dependent on the US dollar being the world's dominant reserve currency. If the BRICS countries continue to increase their economic power and influence, they could challenge the US dollar's status and lead to the demise of the petrodollar system. In order to protect Trinidad and Tobago’s Heritage Fund from the risks of a devaluing petro-dollar, the government should consider storing a portion of the fund’s assets in gold on Trinidad soil. Gold has long been used as a safe-haven asset during times of economic uncertainty and is seen as being a more stable store of value than fiat currency. It is also seen as a hedge against inflation, which could be beneficial in the event of a rise in inflation due to an increase in the cost of living in Trinidad and Tobago. And our gold assets should be stored within the borders of the country. So if we ever have any fallouts with the hegemonic/demonic US Empire, our funds will be secured.
One risk that the fund faces is the declining value of the petro-dollar, which is the currency used by the country. As the value of the petro-dollar continues to decline, investments in the Heritage Fund could be at risk of losing value.

The Heritage Fund in gold on Trinidad soil will ensure that the nation has full control and autonomy over the money. The US has a long history of imposing its own interests on other countries and if the Heritage Fund were to be stored in US banks, then the nation would be susceptible to US economic and political decisions, which could severely damage the Fund