Devant Maharaj Launches Probe into ‘Escort Service’
The Public Transport Service Corporation’s (PTSC) Deputy General Manager, Properties, Ravi Ratiram is denying any knowledge of a sex ring operating out of the corporation’s facilities or that the issue is now under investigation by Transport Minister Devant Maharaj.
“I am not aware of any investigation … that is news to me,” he told us when broached on the subject.
Ratiram, a former temporary United National Congress (UNC) Senator, also denied any knowledge of an ‘escort service’ which is said to be masquerading as a prostitution ring, saying he would like to know where the allegations are coming from.
Mirror has learnt that Transport Minister Maharaj launched an investigation following allegations that the PTSC’s facilities were being used for immoral and illegal purposes.
The investigation is being headed by the PTSC Security Manager Michael Jackson, and a report is expected to be handed in to the Minister on Monday, March 5.
As part of his probe, Jackson sought to garner information from the Mirror, during a visit to the office last Thursday.
The investigation follows a front page article, headlined“Govt Sex Ring- state official providing ‘escort service’ to bigwigs,” published in the TnT Mirror’s weekday edition, dated February 10, 2012.
The PTSC Security Manager has conducted several interviews, in a bid to get to the bottom of the allegations, and has already met with persons who claim they were approached to be clients in the ‘escort service’ affair involving mainly Colombian nationals.
It is also alledged that several incriminating photos have been found on a cell phone, and that further checks were being carried out on a popular Port-of-Spain hotel where it is alleged the highly-paid prostitutes meet with their clients.
Jackson’s investigation is also seeking to determine whether government ministers and State board officials were involved in the alleged sex ring.
In an earlier article, it had previously been reported that the so-called ‘escort service’ provided Colombian girls to a very wealthy clientele, and had been making contact through a Facebook group comprising young United National Congress and People’s Partnership professionals.

The Public Transport Service Corporation’s (PTSC) Deputy General Manager, Properties, Ravi Ratiram is denying any knowledge of a sex ring operating out of the corporation’s facilities or that the issue is now under investigation by Transport Minister Devant Maharaj.

Re-printed from TnT Mirror March 4th 2012