Barack Obama: A Disappointing Legacy
In 2008 Barack Hussein Obama gripped the world with his message of hope and change.
Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States, has been widely regarded as one of the most divisive and controversial presidents in recent history. During his tenure from 2009 to 2017, Obama's actions and policies left many Americans, particularly the black community, feeling disappointed and disillusioned. In this article, we will explore the various reasons why Barack Obama is considered by some to be the worst president of our lifetimes.

Disappointment for Black Americans:
Perhaps the most significant disappointment for many Americans was Obama's failure to address the needs of the black community. Despite being the first African American president, Obama's policies did not significantly improve the lives of black people in the United States. Many feel that he could have done more to address issues of systemic racism and inequality, but instead chose to focus on other priorities.

Manchurian Candidate?
The pretty and smooth talking face of authorianism and fascism that is crushing the worker
The housing crisis, which saw millions of Americans lose their homes, was a particularly sore point for many. Under Obama's watch, an estimated 5.1 million people were evicted from their homes, a fact that has not been forgotten by those who suffered as a result.

Economic Issues and the Housing Crisis:
One of the primary reasons for Obama's negative legacy is his handling of economic issues. Despite inheriting one of the worst economic crises since the Great Depression, Obama's policies did not effectively address the needs of the American people. Instead of focusing on bailing out distressed citizens, he instead bailed out the banks. He gave billions to his corporate scumbag friends. And not one person responsible for the financial crisis was prosecuted. 5.1 million american families were thrown out of their homes
Complicit media
We elected the first gay president , but didn't find out about it until afterwards? If Americans had known about this would have they voted for him? The media labelled him as "No drama Obama". In fact we have learned that the media was threatened with no access to the presidential campaign if any negative stories were put out about the nation's first black president's sex life.

Promotion of the LGBTQ agenda
Obama's presidency witnessed significant strides in LGBTQ rights, including the repeal of "Don't Ask, Don't Tell" and the support for marriage equality. While celebrated by the LGBTQ community and its allies, some critics argue that these advancements were prioritized over economic concerns. However, it is crucial to note that societal progress often involves addressing multiple issues simultaneously, and advocating for civil rights is not inherently at odds with economic considerations.
A list of President Obama's Accomplishments that Changed the USA
- Was awarded the nobel peace prize, then proceeded to take us from 2 wars to 7.
- Conspired with the Democratic Party to cheat us out of Bernie Sanders
- He made the income disparity in the country worse
- Started an undeclared war in Syria with a 90% casualty rate of innocent people.
- Was awarded the nobel peace prize
- Cheated us out of Bernie Sanders
- Did not give us free college
- Sold cluster bombs to Saudi Arabia which they then proceeded to drop on fishing villages in Yemen.
- Tried to cut medicaid
- Tried to cut social security
- Ran out of bombs to drop on Syria. Dropped more bombs in total than George Bush
- Did not close Guantanamo even tho he promised multiple times to do so
- Assassinated Mumar Gadaffi and Destroyed Libya and destabilized the most successful African country in the World.
- Held back funds from schools unless they adopted transgender bathroom policies. We are seeing the results of that policy today.
- Came back into public life to crush the railroad strike.
- Keystone pipeline
- Exxon Valdese oil spill. Biggest oil spill in human history
- Built a 3rd house in Hawaii with an illegal sea wall.
- Lied to the American people about his sexual orientation..
- Presided over a drone program that killed 90% innocent people.
- Built the cages that Trump put the babies in.
- Deported more people than Donald Trump.
- Denied you the public option while enriches health insurance companies and big pharma.
- Kicked 5.1 million people out of their homes and instead enriched his banker friends.
- Promoted identity politics instead of focusing on economic issues.
- Removed Habeas Corpus

In conclusion, Barack Obama's presidency has left a lasting impact on the United States, but not necessarily a positive one. From economic issues and the housing crisis to wars and foreign policy, Obama's actions have left many feeling disappointed and disillusioned. For black Americans in particular, Obama's legacy is one of missed opportunities and unfulfilled promises
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