Trini Sou Sou System

sou sou money

The T&T Socialist System Sou Sou is the same system you grew up and familiar with.
It's just online.We are not a scam or a get rich scheme.
We are an online savings club.

All money you put in is what will be paid out to you... With a twist.

Can't Make Your payment for the next round?

Use our Help A Comrade Button
With the Help Me Button an alert will be sent out to all our signed up comrades. They will then have a choice to assist your next round.

Money they put into the pool will not be paid out to you, but back to the helper.

Help Me Comrade

no more begging to banks

What is a Sou Sou?

A sou-sou (also spelled sou sou, su-su or susu) is an informal rotating savings club, where a group of people get together and contribute an equal amount of money into a fund weekly, bi-weekly or monthly. The total pool, also known as a hand, is then paid to one member of the club on a previously agreed-on schedule. The pool rotates until all members have received their share.

Sou-sou, which comes from the Yoruba term “esesu,” originated in West Africa, but is practiced in many African and Caribbean countries. Over the years, sou-sou has evolved, but the basic concept remains the same. Somalis call it “hagbad” or “ayuuto”; in Jamaica, it is known as a “partner”; in Guyana, a “box hand”; Haitians call it a “min”; and if you are Southern African, you may know it as “stokvel.” The Yoruba esusu was transported over to the New World by African slaves and, while it is little known to African-Americans today, it is still popular among some African, Caribbean, Latino and Asian immigrant communities.

sou sou app

What are Sou Sous Used For?

Some use it to start businesses, others for big purchases, vacations, down payments on properties and cars and even to send their kids to college. As old folks tell it, in the past, housewives who didn’t have an income and those in rural communities who had no access to traditional banks used sou-sous.

Video Explanation