Slavery Reparations For the People of Trinidad and Tobago
We want the U.S.,international European ruling class and the Trinidad Ruling Class to pay Trinidad and Tobago and it's people for the centuries of genocide, oppression, and free labour that was extracted from our people by force.
Slavery came about because the wealthy sought to increase their fortunes by plundering the toil and sweat of others
We know that the U.S. and European civilization were born from, and are presently maintained by, the horrendous and continued theft of human and material resources from the African continent.
“If you stick a knife in my back nine inches and pull it out six inches, there’s no progress. If you pull it all the way out that’s not progress. Progress is healing the wound that the blow made. And they haven’t even pulled the knife out much less healed the wound. They won’t even admit the knife is there.”
Malcolm X
We also believe that this theft- this robbery of human and material resources is responsible for the present underpopulation and underdevelopment of Africa and her people and the political servitude, material impoverishment, and cultural discontinuity and disintegration of African people throughout the world.
Like 16th-century European imperialists did in Africa, modern-day prosecutors have sent armed troops into the Black community to steal people from their homes and sell them into bondage, leaving extraordinary violence, poverty and suffering in their wake.The fastest way to do this was to steal the labor of a group of people who were seen as different and disposable. It is this system, where the rich loot from the poor, where the bosses feed off the workers, which drives white-supremacist violence. Everything else — prisons, detention centers, cops, judges and more — all flow from that original sin. True reparations would mean an end to capitalism itself.

Reparations represent the repayment of wealth stolen from Black people by the white supremacist ruling class, that reparations must reflect the ongoing oppression Black people have experienced up to the present..

If we’re going to have reparations, the knife of racial oppression must be fully removed. It is difficult to resist your own exploitation.