Trinidad Politicians Are Not Afraid of, Nor Do They Respect The People They Serve
In fact time and time again we have seen our political leaders refer to us in scornful and demeaning terms. This is why Trinidad is ripe for a revolution. That time to rebel is now.
Let's talk to you about why politicians should be afraid of the people. We live in a democracy, where the power is supposed to be with the people, but unfortunately, it doesn't always feel that way in Trinidad. Too often, it seems like the politicians are the ones in control, and we, the people, are simply along for the ride.

But it shouldn't be that way. Politicians should be afraid of the people, because we are the ones who have the power to hold them accountable for their actions. When politicians are not held accountable, they can become corrupt and make decisions that are not in the best interest of the people. Don't expect much from the political class because traditionally they only respond when they are frightened.

We have seen this time and time again. These clowns make promises during their campaigns, only to forget about them... and us, once they are in office. We don't hold them accountable. They become more concerned with their own personal gain, rather than serving the needs of their constituents.
This is why we, the people, must demand more from our politicians. We must hold them accountable for their actions and demand transparency and honesty from them. If they fail to meet our expectations, we must get rid of them. And ban them from future political ambitions. Never to be given a chance to steal from The People again. It should be a one shot deal for determining a politician's integrity.
But we can't stop there. We must also hold ourselves accountable. We must be informed about the issues and the politicians who represent us. We must educate ourselves and actively participate in our democracy.
I sat back and watched Them come for the iron workers, and society as a whole paid them no mind. Curiously right before the shut down there was a high profile incident of a church bell going missing, that triggered the closures. Trinis thought nothing about it. Was this an entire setup to execute a master plan? Regardless, we did nothing.

Politicians must be afraid of the people, because when we are informed, engaged, and active, we have the power to create real change. We can hold our elected officials accountable and demand that they serve the best interests of the people, rather than their own self-interests.
So let us not be complacent or apathetic when it comes to our democracy. Let us demand more from our politicians and ourselves as proud Trinis. Let us show them that we are not afraid to hold them accountable and that we are willing to fight for what is right.