Trinidad and Tobago's Missing/Murdered Women and Children

missing children trinidad and tobago

Trinidad and Tobago's Missing and Lost Children

Protect our children. Protect our children. Protect our children. Protect our children. Protect our children. Protect our children. Protect our Fucking children. The #1 function of Government should be the care of the nation's youth.

As you read this list we should all hang our heads in collective shame. I see this list and I feel deep sadness that we weren't able to save and protect these women and children. It makes you feel powerless. But hopeless, no. If we are hopeless, then all of this makes no sense. We have to hope that things will change, that we could save at least one child from being on this list. If each of us do our part, we could change it around.

This problem stems from our society, so it's up to us to push back and stop the blood flow. You have an opportunity every day, with all the people you come in contact with, to educate them, to teach the future generation that there are options, that there are people who care. Become the eyes and ears and strength that these children around you need, and you will see a difference.

If you see something. Say Something!

If you know something. Tell Someone!

Zakia Mitchell1MaleMissing Since 2012UNC
Jacob Monroe1MaleMurdered Nov 19 2013UNC
Kimora Roopnarine2FemaleMissing Since Sept 16 2013 UNC
Etean Smith2MaleMurdered 2022PNM
Akim Charles2MaleMissing Since Oct 2020PNM
Umar Ali2MaleFound 5-29-2023PNM
Tricia Raghoonath2FemaleMurdered 6-16-2023PNM
Jenice Figaro4FemaleMissing Since Nov 24 2018PNM
Amy Emily Annamunthodo4MaleMurdered May 6 2006PNM
Keyana Cumberbatch6FemaleMurdered Nov 25 2013 UNC


