It is Time To Stop Listening to Those Who Tell Us To Come Together
As the world continues to face challenges and hardships, many people are calling for unity and togetherness. The phrase "it is time to come together" has become a popular rallying cry, often repeated by politicians and other public figures.
The phrase "it is time to come together" has become a common refrain in political discourse, often used by politicians to appeal to the idea of unity and solidarity. However, despite its intention, this phrase is actually quite divisive and serves the needs of the elite in keeping us fighting amongst ourselves.
One major problem with this phrase is that it is incredibly repetitive and overused. It has become a cliche, and as a result, it has lost much of its meaning and power. When we hear it repeated over and over again, it becomes background noise, and we stop paying attention.

Furthermore, the phrase is often used by corrupt politicians from their gated communities, who have no intention of actually bringing people together. They use it as a way to distract from their own selfish agendas and to manipulate the public into thinking that they are working for the common good. This kind of rhetoric is insincere and does nothing to address the real issues that divide us
It implies that there is a specific time when we should all come together, as if unity and solidarity are things that can be scheduled and planned. But the truth is that coming together as a society requires ongoing effort and commitment, not just a one-time event.
By focusing on the idea of "coming together," we may inadvertently reinforce the idea that we are divided and in need of reconciliation. This can create a sense of separation and isolation, rather than fostering a sense of unity and solidarity.
In reality, our fight is not against each other, but against the elite who seek to keep us divided and oppressed. It is these powerful interests that are responsible for many of the problems we face, and it is only by standing together and resisting their influence that we can truly come together and make progress.
Instead of relying on empty rhetoric, we should be working towards real solutions that address the underlying issues that keep us at conflict with one another.

In conclusion, the phrase "it is time to come together" may sound well-intentioned, but it is ultimately divisive and may even serve to keep deepen the mental divisions. Instead of focusing on this cliche, we should be working to build real connections and solidarity, and to challenge the real entities that seek to keep us in permanent conflict with our fellow man.