History is repeating. Hitler was not the bad person they made him out to be.
if you tell them a lie long enough it becomes true. The same thing they did to Hitler they are doing to Putin. Same playbook. Similar countries
History is always written by the victor and in the case of our history the victors of WW1 and WW2 both were the elite bankers as the world was lied to as to the true reason for the wars. Hitler was not the bad person they made him out to be he was made bad by the banker elites and the politicians who were in bed with the bankers. They backed him into a corner with no way out even after he tried to solve the war diplomatically they wanted him dead and the German people crushed for trying to break away from the bankers vise like grip over the country and the people.
No leader of any country has ever done so much in so little of time for the people of their country. This can only happen if the people were behind that leader 100%. These are facts that can be seen by anyone and can not be denied, all one has to do a little research. It is also true that such a leader would have to love his people also evident by what he did to get them out of poverty and into prosperity. For those who would deny such things I say you did no research and are closed minded. It is easier to do nothing then something, it is easier to destroy then create. What one Nation created in just five years it took many nations seven years to destroy. This says volumes about how much Hitler and the German people did and how hard they worked and fought to keep what they accomplished only to go down in defeat all because the true Monsters of the World had an agenda to destroy so they could control the World and that agenda is still in play today. They continue destroying Nations so they can rebuild them to fit a model to suit them and not the general population.
I see as usual some people are making this out to be about Jews and Germans and that was not the case. Cherry picking facts to fit a model of anti Jew point of view is the common current accepted theme behind WW2 but that is just not true. The truth is it was about Banker Elites and ruling class people who wanted Power and control for the purpose of social and economic engineering an agenda of mad men the true monsters of History as it will one day be known.
Same tactics with the war propaganda. The lies. The goading. But from what I've seen Putin has resisted some of the traps that Hitler fell into.
Just like Putin is winning now. Hitler was winning back then. Hitler choose not to massacre 10000 british troops which would have changed the tide of the war
He fucked up when he invaded Poland and that triggered the world war.
I don't quite understand this part fully as yet. But it seemed the USSR were the demons that committed heinous atrocities in the war.
After Germany was dismantled and everyone that could speak up was silenced... Then the narrative was changed
What was actually going on in WW2 Germany
After World War I, the Allies made the Treaty of Versailles. This document required that Germany had to accept the responsibility of its and all the German allies for causing the war and all the losses and damage of the war. It forced Germany to disarm, give up land, and pay reparations. It bankrupted Germany and caused massive inflation. It starved her people
Then along comes Hitler with a plan: prepare for war. As his plan materialized. He constructed the basis of the German industrial base that is the foundation of the modern German economy today. Suddenly people had bread on the table, and salaries to pay their bills with. To those people, Hitler was a good guy.
Before World War II, only one family out of fifty could afford a anything more than a motorcycle. When Hitler became leader, he ordered a basic vehicle capable of carrying two adults and three children at 100 km/h. He called the project the “People’s Car” project. Volkswagen.
Germany then needed to improve its roads for all the anticipated new drivers. So he built the Bundesautobahn. The first high speed roadway in the world. It is the model that most world highways
He actually did a number of other “good” things like creating a successful welfare program, creating the first Animal Rights legislation, creating the first anti-smoking campaign, created a rocket program that later became the basis for space exploration, recognized that something had to be done about unmarried pregnancy and created an anonymous adoption program to help solve it

Typhus disease was the leading cause of death.
if the execution of Jews didn’t actually start till 1941 that’s over 3200 a day for 5yrs which would be impossible logistically.
Well 1.1 million were said to have died in Auschwitz. They had 5 cremation ovens. With modern day ovens it can take between 1.5- 3 hours to dispose of a body. If we say 2 hours per body that would mean 10 years of continuous use for the amount killed
"if you don't read the newspaper you are not informed, if you do read the newspaper you are ill informed." Mark Twain
the mockingbird media was doing the same thing back then. Just took longer to catch on for lack of real-time technology like we have now.
The German intellegencia was eliminated. The entire ruling class were exterminated, arrested or kept silent. This made it easy for the allies to construct any story they wanted. Because there was no one to contest them. The report on Auschwitz was issued on the same day that Germany surrendered unconditionally.

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