
- Proper access to water
- Healthcare is a right
- Housing is a right
- Education is a right
- Reparations for slavery
- Form an aggressive anti corruption commission. “If you thief our money we will come back for it.”
- Support for gay and trans rights
- Support for women’s freedom and abortion access
- Align with China and their governing policies
- Focus on tech education
- Reduce influence of religion on the society
- Remove VAT and allow free import of tech and computers.
- Legalize ALL drugs for recreational use
- Legalize sex work
- Carnival twice a year as a method to generate foriegn income.
- Offer 0% interest loans for housing, opening new businesses etc.
- Open borders for all caribbean countries including Venezuela
- Poverty Elimination Program.
- We have a huge diaspora living abroad. We should allow them to transfer wealth freely into our country. With little or no restrictions.
- Second and third chance doctrine
- 3 strikes and youre in!! school…- forced education. China model
- Trinidad needs to go back to its roots and become an agricultulal based island. With focus on feeding the island population first
- Bring talent back to the island we need all our doctors and tech people back home
- Repatriating doctors and tech people get a free house and acre of land
- Weekly tech sessions
- Huge Corporations will be Nationalized. (Banks, Communication, Transportation etc) Smaller enterprises will be allowed to be in private hands.
- We do not need Billionaires in Trinidad and Tobago