Voice of the People or Voice of the UNC Opposition?
Trinidad and Tobago has entered the age of partisian politics. And part of that machinery is control of the air waves, by one entity or the other.
As expatriates listening to the Ground Report, we get the impression of doom and gloom for the people of Trinidad and Tobago. The Ground Report focuses on the negative aspects of life in Trinidad and Tobago, such as crime, violence, and poverty.
While these are certainly important issues that need to be addressed, it would be more important to hear more about the positive aspects of life in the country, and what is being done to serve the people. Highlight the country's vibrant culture, its beautiful beaches, and its friendly people. But it does not. There are not even mentions of social programs being rolled out to aid the citizens.

Mr. Williams as an agitator stirs up and encourages public riots and discontent.
Agitators typically try to instigate violence or other disruptive behaviour in order to further their own political or social agenda. In some cases, agitators may be paid by outside groups to create unrest. In other cases, they may simply be individuals with strong convictions who believe that violence is the only way to achieve their goals.
Things Haarrrrrd! Things Baaaaaaaaddddd!.
Andy Williams
"Teacher Lennox" The Off-Screen Pontificator
When someone is pontificating, they speak in a grandiose or self-righteous manner in order to sound more intelligent. This can be frustrating for listeners, who may feel like the speaker is trying to show off or make them feel inferior by using long confusing words, trying to sound intelligent.
Pontificating can also make it difficult to understand what the speaker is saying, as they may use long or complicated words that are not necessary, or just not understood by the general public. His Babbling vitriol and bullshit dangerously manipulates actual news into fake news. But in the end the listener gets the anti government sentiment. Nevermind you cannot understand what he is actually saying.
Public Listner Call-In
The high levels of ignorance displayed by the callers is stunning to the mind.
Poison to the minds of the people.
Censorship in The Public Chat
The first Red Flag you see when you enter the public youtube chat is multiple moderators chatting amongst themselves. Some people argue that censorship is necessary in order to keep the chat group focused on the topic at hand, while others believe that censorship simply silences dissenting opinions and stifles discussion
Ultimately, the decision of whether or not to censor chat group members lies with the group administrator

The moderators are religiously racist and UNC only party focused. If you enter the chat and mention support for a different political party you will then be subject to abuse and insults. Followed by them silencing your future chat messages.
While it may be a good thing to have a channel for citizens to publicly voice their distress. It becomes a problem when you monopolize upon their pain and offer no suggestions of aid. When aid is a plenty in Trinidad.