Col. Muammar Gaddafi- An African Legend
Muammar Gaddafi was the leader of Libya from 1969 until his overthrow and murder in 2011. During his rule, he implemented a unique political system known as "Jamahiriya," which was based on direct democracy and popular participation. He nationalized several industries, including oil, and invested heavily in social programs such as education and healthcare. These policies led to a significant improvement in the country's infrastructure and standard of living, and Libya became one of the wealthiest nations in Africa.
Before Gadaffi
In 1965 Libya was classified by the UN as one of the poorest countries in the World, threatened by genocide and hunger. Most of the Libyan population were Bedouin, and used to live in tents, and survive off their cattle, which usually consisted of sheep and camels.
In that time Libya was occupied by five military bases, two American, two British and one French. Libyan oil and banks were run by US and UK companies. Most of the local business were led by Italians, and Libyans worked as slaves.
When Gadaffi took power this power dynamic changed. All of the foreign military bases were closed. The banking and oil sector were nationalized. He also asked the Italians to leave the country and the Libyans that worked for them to take over and run those businesses.
To change the living standards of his people Gaddaffi asked Egyptian President Jamal Abdulnassir to send companies to construct farms and houses for Libyan families all over the country.
He Also asked him to provide Libya with teachers with the Egyptian curriculum as Libya did not have an education curriculum at that time.
By 1977 all or most of Libyan families were moved to their new houses and farms creating thousands of first time home and land owners.
On behalf of the Arabs, I'd like to condemn, apologize, and express deep sorrow for the conduct of some Arabs (especially the wealthy among them) towards their African brothers.The wealthy Arabs treated their African brothers in a disgraceful way in the past They bought children and took them to the North Africa, to the Arab peninsula, and to the other Arab regions. They subjugated them and traded in them.They engaged in slavery and human trafficking in a most abominable fashion
The Highest standards of living in the African Continent.
Libya was the world's poorest country in 1951. Gaddafi made it Africa's most developed country with $150 billion foreign reserves & zero debt. Under Muammar Gaddafi, Libya had one of the world's strongest currencies and Libyans had interest free loans.
Under Gaddafi in Libya Electricity and water was free, Unemployed youths received a stipend from the government, Every family received breakfast every morning from the government for free
He Made a Safe Space for Women
The longest Life Expectancy in Africa
The Great Man Made River

He made The Great Man-Made River. A network of pipes that supply fresh water obtained from the Nubian Sandstone Aquifer System fossil aquifer across Libya. It is the world's largest irrigation project.

One of the biggest civilian development projects that Muammar Gaddafi undertook during his 42-year rule was the Great Man-Made River. Gaddafi’s dream was to provide fresh water for everyone, and to turn the desert green, making Libya self sufficient in food production.

In 1953, while searching for new oil fields in southern Libya, vast quantities of ancient water aquifers were discovered. The exploration team discovered four huge basins with estimated capacities of each ranging between 4,800 and 20,000 cubic km

Most of this water was collected between 38,000 and 14,000 years ago, before the end of the last ice age, when the Saharan region enjoyed a temperate climate. After Gaddafi and the Free Unitary Officers seized power in a bloodless coup in 1969, the new government immediately nationalized the oil companies and started using the revenues from oil to set up hundreds of bore wells to bring fresh water from the desert aquifers

Gaddafi planned to set up large-scale agricultural projects in the desert where the water was found, but when the people displayed reluctance to move, he conceived a plan to bring the water to the people instead

The deliberate destruction of a nation's water infrastructure, with the knowledge that doing so would result in massive deaths of the population as a direct consequence, is not simply a war crime, but potentially a genocidal strategy.
![Explosion of the water pipeline [Man-Made River] in Bani Walid](/images/blog-image/Photo-Explosion-of-the-water-pipeline-Man-Made-River-in-Bani-Walid.jpg)
In July 2011, NATO bombed the Great Man-Made River water supply pipeline near Brega, including a factory that produces the pipes, claiming the factory was used as a “military storage facility” & that rockets were launched from there. That was a lie. Satellite images showed a military launcher in the area 3 days before. But after the bombs dropped the military launchers were still visible in it's new positions. The military targeting of civilian infrastructure, especially of water supplies, is a war crime under the Geneva Conventions, Yet this is precisely what NATO did in Libya, while blaming the damage on Gaddafi himself. Since then, the country's water infrastructure - and the suffering of its people - has only deteriorated further

NATO attack on the pipeline disrupted water supply for 70% of the population who depended on the piped supply for personal use and for irrigation. The country now reeling under civil war, with the future of the Great Man-Made River Project in jeopardy.
Millions of Africans journey to Europe for jobs and better life. A united Africa would better exploit its own resources and create jobs to keep Africans at home Either we live in Africa or we die in Africa, Africa is our mother, how can we leave our mother?
Additionally, Gaddafi played a role in promoting Pan-Africanism and supporting anti-colonial struggles across the continent. He founded the African Union and provided financial and military aid to several African countries.
1 Libyan Dinar equalled $0.82781 in 2011. Gaddafi wanted to give all African countries the Dinar to strengthen their economies. He also had 150 Tonnes of gold which he wanted to distribute accross Africa to be used in trading.
Regional African Satellite Communication Organization
Africa Enjoys Unlimited Telecommunication 📡 Services Thanks To Gaddafi 🛰️ It was Muammar Gaddafi who was at the forefront of making sure Africa was connected . Africa refused to pay $500 million annually to Europe for use of its satellites
The conception of this idea was finally birthed in 1992 when 45 African nations gathered to deliberate a way forward as regards this matter. They established the Regional African Satellite Communication Organization (RASCOM).
In the end we will remember not the words of our enemies (Western world) but the silence of our friends (Fellow Africans).
Why was He Killed?

Thanks to Hillary and her constant blunder with e-mails, it is confirmed Hillary Emails Reveal True Motive for Libya Intervention | Foreign Policy Journal. Gaddafi Wasn't Killed Because He Treated His People BadLY. Why Would America Care If A President Is A Dictator? Mugabe Would've Died Sooner If That Was The Case. The West prefers "dictators" it can control. Gaddafi was never a puppet and would never have been a puppet. Gaddafi Was eliminated, because He Was In The Process Of Uniting Africa, Through One Bank, One Currency, and One military.
The West's Money Would Lose Value Over Night & Become Worse Than Zimbabwe. Africa Would Be The Most Powerful Continent Because Africa Has All The Resources. All The Resources That Make America "Great" Are in Africa. All The Resources That Make Britain "Great" Are in Africa. The Youngest Population On The Planet Is in Africa. Today we see the rise of BRICS.
His regime was accused by the West of torture, extrajudicial killings, censorship, and opposition to his rule was brutally suppressed. The 2011 uprising against his rule ultimately led to his downfall and death.
They even accused Gaddafi of the Locerbie bombing which he was later declared innocent by the same USA government some years after his death. Murdered on 20th October 2011 by the Obama Administration in operation Oddyssey Dawn.

UN Security Council Resolution 1973
UN Security Council Resolution 1973 was a resolution passed by the United Nations Security Council on March 17, 2011, in response to the crisis in Libya. The resolution was passed during the Libyan Civil War, which began as a popular uprising against the long-time Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi.
The resolution authorized the use of "all necessary measures" to protect Libyan civilians and civilian-populated areas, including a no-fly zone over Libya. It also imposed a series of sanctions on the Gaddafi regime, including an arms embargo, asset freezes, and travel bans.
The resolution was controversial, with some countries, including Russia and China, expressing concerns about the use of military force and potential civilian casualties. However, it was supported by a majority of Security Council members, and a coalition of countries, including the United States, France, and the United Kingdom, launched airstrikes against Gaddafi's forces in support of the Libyan rebels.
The resolution was effective in helping to tip the balance of the conflict in favor of the rebels, ultimately leading to Gaddafi's downfall and death. However, it was also criticized for overstepping its mandate and contributing to the destabilization of Libya, which has struggled to establish a stable government and has been plagued by violence and conflict since Gaddafi's fall.

The Aftermath- Present Day Libya has Active Slave Markets
"They engaged in colonialism and exploited them, and this continues to this day. He knew there was a problem with Human Trafficking in his country. So with a break down of the state the criminal element took over.
After Gaddafi's fall, Libya has been in a state of political turmoil, with various factions and armed groups vying for power and control over the country. This has led to a breakdown in law and order, with the government unable to effectively govern and provide basic services, including law enforcement.

In this vacuum of authority and security, criminal networks, including human traffickers, have thrived. The situation has been further exacerbated by the ongoing migrant crisis, with many people attempting to cross the Mediterranean Sea to reach Europe. Human traffickers have exploited this situation by preying on vulnerable migrants, offering them passage to Europe in exchange for exorbitant fees, often taking advantage of their desperation by subjecting them to forced labor, prostitution, and other forms of exploitation.
While the Libyan government has made some efforts to combat human trafficking and the slave trade, the lack of a stable government and functioning legal system has hindered their efforts. The international community, including the United Nations and various NGOs, has also been working to address this issue, but the situation remains dire, and the exploitation of vulnerable people continues.
"Fake News" media outlet CNN even mentioned it here
Do you see Africa Progressing. Africa has all it needs to be the most powerful continent in the world.