Who's Thiefin d People's Current?
The People of Trinidad and Tobago have had to deal with shoddy electricity delivery since the beginning of Trini Time. Does The Regulated Industries Commission (RIC) have any legitimate grounds to justify an increase on rates to the regular Joe or Mary?
Something Dutty is Going on in RIC
Over the past few weeks the RIC has been holding"public meetings" with the People. The consultations being held in selective constituencies were nothing more than a “pappyshow” and a “mamaguy.”

At a meeting on 3-12-2023, the meeting was abruptly stopped after someone pulled a coffin into the meeting, turning the meeting into a political stunt.

Who is REALLY Stealing Electricity in Trinidad?
(Before setting out to write this article I did not even know this was a thing. But apparently in Trinidad it is.) But here's a hint. It isn't the little man. Yet the People are now forced to pay a doubling of rates. The Trinidad Regulated Industries Commission reported in section 3.1 that T&TEC has experienced a doubling of system losses.
In Trini english, that means someone is thiefing the electricity. Electricity theft on a scale that is astounding to even mentally fathom
Where d Current Gone?
How Corporate Electrical Theft Works
POT. (Plain Ole Thiefin)
It is not unheard of for someone to mount a ladder to a pole. Attach wires to that pole, then run it to his house.While this is not a widespread thing in Trinidad. We must admit it does happen. But not on the scale where it can justify such a massive increase in rates.
Procurement Regulator
What is the role of a procurement regulator? And why don't we have one?
Read The Meters
This solution is so simple that it's amazing I even have to menton it.
Artificial Intelligence to Detect Fraud and Wastage
Better Usage of Current Personnel
Instead of having 15 guys on a truck to change a pole. How about we eliminate the fraud and corporate cronysim that exists within the T&TEC system before we take it to the people's wallet.
In Conclusion.
So instead of fixing the fraud and corruption, they decided to take the easy way.... The Trini way out, and pass the burden on to someone else. That someone else is us. The people of Trinidad and Tobago. The decision by the RIC to increase the rates upon the every day people of Trinidad is shambolic, lazy and fraudulent and should not be allowed to stand. There needs to be more push back by the People on this matter.