̶F̶u̶t̶u̶r̶e̶ Education Collapse in Trinidad and Tobago

The results of the 2022 Trinidad and Tobago SEA results have been disastrous. Out of 19,079 students who wrote the exam, 12,009 failed below a level of F.

A alarming increase from the 2021 failure rate of 47.51%. We are now at a 63% SEA failure rate.

If you assume F is a passing grade then only 37% of our students scored above that level in this Glorious country of Trinidad and Tobago.

grade chart

I have actually been losing sleep over this problem for the past few weeks. I mean... The Government should have seen this coming. Dr. Nyan Gadsby-Dolly claimed she had taken action to address this issue in 2021 right?

Where is the Accountability

grade chart

With such abysmal results why are Dr. Nyan Gadsby-Dolly and Lisa Morris- Julian still sucking on the country's teat? They are still drawing their monthly salaries. Paid for by you.

This parasitic relationship must end. Where is the accountability? With this level of incompetence she should have been immediately terminated, upon the reading of the 2022 SEA results. So I ask again... Where is the accountability Trinidad? We should demand our pound of flesh.

Ahhh! I forget! We reward incompetence and mediocrity over here. Instead they held a press conference saying there is no one to blame in this situation. And the media just ate it up.

The sky is literally falling on Trinidad

This is a marked decline from the 2021, 2020 and 2019 results. Continuing the downward trend in performance.

The pandemic coupled with a "Dont Give a Shit Administration" has exacerbated this situation.

In 4 short years many of these students will find themselves locked out of the tertiary education and will thusly be sent into the job market.

I'm sorry did I say job market? I meant into the criminal underworld. Let's be real. There are no available jobs for current citizens.

Not all students were able to cope with the online learning during the pandemic and this impacted negatively the results of the Secondary Entrance Assessment (SEA) results

This is the worst educational crisis ever seen in the region, and we are worried that there could be serious and lasting consequences for a whole generation, especially for the most vulnerable sectors

I put the blame for this squarely in the hands of the government. The PNM has reaped what it has sewn. They used COVID as a way to further oppress the people of Trinidad.

Now seven years later the PNM wants to hurriedly rush out laptops to it's Duncy Head Citizens. But has no provisions for the parents to get internet access for said devices.

With no free internet this mission is already doomed to fail.

The current PM fought adamantly in 2011 when he was a member of the Opposition against putting laptops into the hands of "Duncy Head First Formers" (See Video Below). Then once in power actively removed laptops from children. Or sabotaged programs instituted by the prior government. With an administration that has such disdain for the children. Are you surprised that your children are failing?

@soontobehonorable DUNCY HEAD FIRST FORMER! #KeithRowley #PNM on #school #children #laptops given out by #PeoplesPartnership #TrinidadandTobago ♬ original sound - 🇯🇲 🇬🇾 🇹🇹

A Cherry on the Top. On the First day of school 70% of students and teachers did not show up for classes.

So How Do We Fix?

Have no fear. This can be easily fixed. Teach your children how to code. Any language is fine. Just jump into coding and future technologies with both feet. And while you are teaching them, you the parent should learn this also.

We are entering into a wonderful new world. The 4th Industrial Revolution. Your children have to exist this world after you are gone. So we should prepare them. In this new world a college degree will be an unnecessary relic of the past, when it comes to showing your worth in the tech field.

The current jobs that exist today will not exist in the future. We are entering... No we are in the age of Artificial Intelligence.

So once the country's internet issues are straightened out, the world of possibilities will open up to you.

The Fields in Information Security is in extremely high demand and there is no age limit. You can theoretically be a 12 year old Ethical Hacker in today's world. Average time to learn to be a Cyber Warrior is 6-9 months.

Coming soon we will be offering coding classes on this website. It has to be built out.. Do not worry parents. Things are not that bad.

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