Stamp Out Corruption in Trinidad and Tobago


Corruption Database: Corruption in Trinidad and Tobago

Corruption is a form of dishonesty or a criminal offense which is undertaken by a person or an organization which is entrusted in a position of authority, in order to acquire illicit benefits or abuse power for one's personal gain.

Our Mission is to compile an up-to-date database of current corrupt corporations operating in Trinidad and Tobago. national assets being drained every year

The data below was compiled from the Panama and Paradise Leaks Databases. To keep it current we need input and leaks from citizens.

Trinidad & Tobago — had failed to comply with international transparency standards. The OECD said it did not have a big financial sector and was not deemed a significant risk. LOL!

Corrupt Corporations In Trinidad and Tobago

Compiling this list was depressing. This is where your money went my comrades. Resources are being sucked out of our country people and being squirrelled away in offshore accounts. While there may be some legitimate reasons to have an account in tax havens. The vast majority of companies listed are engaged in some form of fraud. Tax avoidance etc.

Coming Soon. A new game by the TTSS System: Spot The Drug Dealer!

Every Company Listed Below Should Suffer A Penalty

Currently these sites are externally linked but we are compiling our own database of dutty and stink people and corporations that think it is OK to steal from the people of Trinidad and Tobago.