Commission of Enuiry Launched into the Paria Divers' Deaths

Paria Divers

Day 1 of the Commission of Enquiry into The Paria Divers Deaths

197 days after the death of 4 divers, Firebrand Attorney Jerome Lynch chairman of commission opened the meeting with fire and fury

Was appointed by the President to take over on the 6th of July of this year but was given no administrative support September 5th. Their office was finally completed on August 26th. One month and 20 days later.

No basics or office furniture was provided to the Commission, furniture had to be plundered from the Prime Ministers office.

He also complained about being swamped with documents but no staff or tools to process such information.

Commission of Enquiry Members

Jerome Lynch Queen’s Counsel- Chairman

Mr. Jerome Lynch is based in Cloisters Chambers London but he is currently working with Trott & Duncan in Bermuda undertaking a number of important “political” trials – having appeared inter alia for the former premier Hon. Dr Ewart Brown and others at the Commission of Inquiry and now criminal investigation

Gregory Wilson- Commissioner

Gregory currently continues to provide expertise to clients in the Energy sector, in service of documenting a systematic approach in verifying the adequacy of processes, procedures and compliance with known industry standards and guidelines with focus on delivery of safe consistent operations at the worksite

Ronny Bissessar- Co chair

Ramesh Maharaj- Senior Counsel

Mr. Ramesh Lawrence Maharaj, Senior Counsel was called to the Bar of the Honourable Society of the Inner Temple in London, England on 23rd November 1966. He did his pupilage in London and returned to Trinidad and Tobago in 1967 where he was Admitted to Practice

Vijai Maharaj-

Terms of Reference

Inquire into the circumstances which led to the tragic incident which occurred on Friday feb 25th 2022 at facilities owned by Paria Fuel Trading Company Limited.

The scope of work issued by paria for the underwater maint exercise on a 30 inch pipeline in which works were being conducted out of a hyperbaric chamber.

To ascertain the proposals and plans submitted by LMCS to conduct the works at the 36 sealine riser

To examine the policies procedures and practices and conduct related to paria and LMCS employees organized and contracted labor for those maint exercises.

Identify the precise facts and circumstances which resulted and led to loss of life and wether it was justified by the pertaining circumstances.

Examine all of the decisions and actions taken after it became clear when it became clear the 5 divers were missing

Examine policies and laws which could have gave rise to this situation

Identify whether Paria had in place any life saving contingencies in place in case life threatening accidents occured.

The adequacy of lmcs plans usually for the operation of the maintenance exercise Whether they employed official safeguards and measures to ensure the safety of their contracted employees properly and the prevention of those incidents and to rescue the 5 LMCS divers

Examine the role played by Paria lmcs through their respective units individually and collectively in dealing with those incidents

All the material circumstances leading up to and surrounding the incident which took place on February 25th which led to to the tragic deaths of the four lmcs divers leading up to the recovery of their bodies

Identify whether by act or omission any identified or unidentified person or entity indirectly or directly caused the loss of life

Make such findings observations and recommendations arising out of his deliberations, as may be deemed appropriate in relation to whether there has been any breach of by any persons or entities, whether there are any grounds for criminal proceedings to be initiated against any persons or entities, whether criminal proceedings should be recommended to the director of public prosecutions for his consideration, and the appropriate and best practices and or policies and procedures to be utilized by companies such as paria and LMCS for the conduct of these maintenance exercises and in response to these types of incidents.

The policies, measures mechanisms and systems that should be implemented to prevent the recurrence of the tragic incidents which occurred on Friday February 25th this year it's leading up to the recovery of the four bodies and making any other recommendations that may be deemed necessary in the circumstances, in accordance with the provisions of section six of the commission of enquiry.

The Commission of Enquiry into the circumstances leading into and surrounding the deaths of four divers on February 25, at the facilities operated by Paria Fuel Trading Company Limited in Point-a -Pierre, has been launched

As of today 9-7-2022 the website was still not fully functional, with many missing pages.

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