Trinidad & Tobago Needs to Boycott Independence Day Celebrations for 2022

unhappy independece day tnt

Trinidad's 60th Independence Day Celebrations MUST not Be Allowed to Proceed

With an un-surprising slap to the collective faces of the citizens Trinidad and Tobago, our jackass Prime Minister Keith Rowley announced with great state media fanfare, that the government of Trinidad and Tobago will be spending $7.5 million dollars on an Independence Day Celebration

Housing Minister Camille Robinson-Regis urged citizens to continue to strive to be patriotic and civic-minded. She also said the nation’s history would feature the Black Power events of 1970, and the July 27, 1990, attempted coup.

These sham celebrations, and huge waste of the people's money comes in the light of recent protests that are growing in the country.

20,000 scrap iron workers were just told that they cannot go back to their jobs for the next 6 months. Nurses in training are not being paid their most basic stipends. Let's not even talk about the salaried workers. Petrotrin workers are still waiting for their backpay.

Just a few months ago the Government refused to spend any money to launch a rescue mission to save the Paria Divers.

Anyone that goes and celebrates in this parade is an idiot and will be sending a middle finger to your fellow brothers and sisters that are suffering from this government that NEEDS to be overthrown.

This is not a moment of National Pride. There is nothing to be proud about.

Here Is Where Your $7.5 Million Dollars Went:

  • National Parades at Port of Spain and Scarborough;
  • Diplomatic Events
  • Nationwide Cultural Activities
  • Competitions and Caravans
  • Youth-based activities
  • School-Based Competitions and Activities
  • Community-based activities, events and competitions
  • Awards, Dinners and Ceremonies
  • Television, Radio and Newspaper Features and Nationwide Exhibitions

Stage A Protest Instead

This day instead should be used as a day for a National Uprising. Embassass the PNM government. The whole world will be watching. It is time for a revolution in Trinidad and Tobago.