The Akeil Chambers Murder and Coverup
Updated April 28, 2023. On May 23 1998, an innocent 11 year old boy, Akeil Chambers was brutally buggered and murdered at the home of Annelore James (pictured), in Balata Trace Haleland Park, Maraval Trinidad, during a party organized for pedophiles under the disguise of a children's birthday party.

Akeil was violently buggered by possibly more than one man at a birthday party hosted for Annelore and Charles James's daughter Carie Colette James, where he (Akeil) was then murdered. Akeil's frail little body was then wrapped in the floor rug of Charles James's room and placed in a slouched, sitting position in the closet of Charles James before his (Akeil's) body was thrown into the James's pool the next morning by Trevor Craigwell and Annelore James according to court hearings, to make it appear as though it was a drowning

This party secretly arranged by Annelore against her husband's wishes turned out to be a feast for Annelore's pedophile friends where high ranking PNM government officials and some regular civilians who all belong to a private pedophilia ring in Trinidad and Tobago were invited and had their way in brutally molesting and murdering little Akeil.
According to a senior pathologist who spoke with me on Akeil's murder, he stated, "Akeil was possibly groomed by his murderers before the dreadful day that he was murdered as his rectum was very slack".
According to testimony from the Chief Pathologist, Chambers was drowned before they wrapped him in the floor rug and placed him in Charles James's closet, this was the conclusion of the said Pathologist as tap water was found in Akeil's lung. The possibility that Akeil's head was dunked over and over in a facebasin filled with water is high.
This was all before they threw his body into the pool the next day.
The Pathologist testified that Akeil's rectum was so slack that his (the Pathologist) clenched wrist could have comfortably fit inside his (Akeil's) rectum.
The Chief Patholigist at the time who did the first autopsy on Akeil's body left testimony before he passed. He was never permitted to testify in court although he was present at all of the court hearings he was asked to attend. On the one day that the said Pathologist was told that he would be called to testify, the Chief Magistrate sent word with court police officers to let him (the Pathologist) know that his testimony would not be needed.
I am the first and only Journalist in this country to have gotten this information.
Patrick Young, a relative of PNM government minister Stuart Young according to court testimony would pick little Akeil up after school, take Akeil to his pedophile friends to a house on Lady Chancellor hill where some of our country's pedophile elites would have their way with Akeil, they then give him bribes of cash and snacks to keep him quiet, then drop him off at his granma's home on Charlotte street in Port of Spain when they were done molesting him. Akile's grandmother passed away this year, without finding #JusticeForAkeil

Akeil's teacher would later state to Charles James that she found it very strange that Akeil, who came from an extremely poor home often had lots of money to buy snacks for his classmates
The pathologist recounted recovering fabric pieces from a sock found inside the mouth of Akeil while examining the body. He stated that it appeared that Akeil was possibly raped by a few men that day as DNA samples belonging to more than one man was found in the trousers of Chambers and also because it appeared that he was screaming his lungs out and that a pair of socks was used to stuff his mouth while being raped to shut his cries off while his life was snuffed out of him.
Charles James would later testify to me that he made efforts to pay a private lab in England to run DNA testing on Akeil's trousers to find the DNA of the people who raped and murdered Akeil that day.
Reports are that former PNM minister Ken Valley was called into a meeting with PM Patrick Manning at the time where PM Manning told Valley "this what was done, I do not condone, you must resign your position as a minister in my Cabinet". Ken Valley was not called upon to serve his country as a member of the People's National Movement (PNM) as off 2007.
Another pedophile person of interest with deep connections to the PNM that was present at the party when Akeil was buggered and murdered is a current high ranking judicial officer.
This judicial officer's name and title was concealed during the court's inquest. All photos and recordings of guests who were present at the party was destroyed by allegedly Annelore James
However just mere years ago during my investigations into this murder, I was the first Journalist in this country to accquire information and statements from Annelore and Carrie James that this judicial officer was indeed present at that dreadful party.
I then proceeded to give the information to the COP at the time Gary Griffith who did nothing to address my information. I contacted Journalist Francis Joseph who was at the time of the inquest, the court reporter in the Akeil Chambers matter.
Joseph stated when questioned by me that there was no time in court where the judicial officer's name was brought up. I then spoke to Express Curtis Rampersad telling him about the information I got when he got Denyse Renne to write an article in relation to my information.
In 2007 just around the time of Thanksgiving in America, this judicial officer became the subject of an investigation by the US FBI when he used his computer at his judicial office to log onto a child pornography website.
Caribbean News Now which is a US based newspaper, who has strong relations with the US FBI and CIA accquired this information where we then started our own investigation into this matter.
Questions that needs to be answered in relation to this matter are:
- Why wasn't this judicial officer called to testify as a witness in this matter?
- Why isn't he called now to state or testify if he was indeed present at that party?
- And if he was present at that party, should a whole new inquest be started into Chamber's murder where he( the judicial officer) is brought before this country and court to state what was his purpose of attending that party, how long did he stay at the party, what areas of the house did he go while at the party, whom did he meet at the party etc?
- Was this judicial officer in a position to give orders to have all of the evidence in the Chambers matter destroyed in 2008?
- Is this said judicial officer the subject of an investigation by the US FBI for his involvement into child pornography, where he used his computer at his judicial office to log onto a worldwide child pornography website?
- Did PM Manning, knowing what this judicial officer did, give him a senior position to use him to do the dirty bidding of the PNM?
- Was Stephen Willams appointed to investigate this judicial officer into a supporting evidence matter of child pornography?
- Did Stephen Willams have anything to do with the covering up of the investigation of this judicial officer into the child pornography matter?
- Was Stephen Willams given the position of Ag COP for towing the child pornography line for that judicial officer?
- Why was Stephen Willams's wife made a high court judge with allegations of misbehavior in office hanging over her head?
To the people of this great country, don't allow these questions to die. One day Akeil will get justice, and justice will be preserved.
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