Aggressive Anti Corruption Commission

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Where did all the money go? Trinidad and Tobago has been identified as one of the countries involved in illicit offshore activities.

The OECD reported that only one country — Trinidad & Tobago — had failed to comply with international transparency standards. The OECD said it did not have a big financial sector and was not deemed a significant risk.

An aggressive Anti-Corruption Commission can play a vital role in tackling systemic corruption by investigating and prosecuting corrupt individuals and holding them accountable for their actions.

Corruption erodes public trust in institutions and governments. By actively pursuing corrupt practices, an aggressive Anti-Corruption Commission demonstrates a commitment to transparency, accountability, and the rule of law. This can help restore public trust in the government and other key institutions, fostering a sense of justice and fairness in society.

It will act as a deterrent to potential corrupt individuals and creates a strong disincentive for engaging in corrupt activities. Knowing that there are serious consequences and a high likelihood of being caught and punished can discourage corruption in the first place, leading to a more ethical and accountable society

Corruption often distorts market dynamics and creates an uneven playing field for businesses and individuals. By actively investigating and prosecuting corruption cases, an Anti-Corruption Commission ensures fair competition and helps create an environment where businesses can thrive based on merit rather than illicit practices. This can attract investment, stimulate economic growth, and benefit society as a whole.

Corruption often disproportionately affects vulnerable populations, depriving them of access to essential services and resources.


An aggressive Anti-Corruption Commission is necessary to combat systemic corruption, restore public trust, deter corrupt practices, level the playing field, enhance international cooperation, and protect vulnerable populations. By actively addressing corruption, such a commission contributes to the overall development and well-being of a society.

Corrupt Corporations In Trinidad and Tobago

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