Introducing the TTST Token. A Crypto Token Made for Trinis by A Trini.


Introducing the TTSP Token. A Crypto Token Made for Trinis by Trinis.

Cryptocurrency is the future of money, and there are many reasons to get involved now. For one, cryptocurrency is much more secure than traditional forms of payment like credit cards or cash. With cryptocurrency, you are in control of your own finances and no one can hack into your account or steal your money. Additionally, cryptocurrency is fast, convenient, and global. You can send and receive payments anywhere in the world without having to worry about exchange rates or bank fees. Finally, cryptocurrency is an investment that can appreciate in value over time. So, don't miss out on the opportunity to get involved in the future of money.

Invest in cryptocurrency today!

Crypto payments are gaining popularity worldwide because they enable near-instant cross-border transfers, as opposed to the traditional banking system, which is riddled with restrictions and limitations that vary by region. If you have a phone or computer then you will be able to access our banking and commerce system. Retain the value of your dollars.

There's no doubt that crypto currency is here to stay. With more and more people using it every day, it's only a matter of time before it becomes the norm. So get ahead of the curve and start using it now!

Use Cases

You will be able to use the ttsp token for every day transactions at our marketplace.

Lending and Sou Sou Services

We are currently setting up a social lending platform based around our token.
Looking for a way to invest your money that is both profitable and exciting? Look no further than crypto lending and sou sou services!

With crypto lending, you can earn interest on your digital assets, and with sou sou services, you can pool your money with others to make investments in a variety of different areas.


You will be able to list your product virtual or local and be provided with a virtual point of sale system. We feature different currency payment options. Why aren't you signed up yet? Click here.

We will automatically collect sales taxes and pay them directly to the government for you.

Point Of Sale Dashboard

Check out a demo of what our POS vendor dashboard and marketplace will look like in the future.

Technical Details

We are a Solana based wrapped token. Our pool will stay at.

Our current valuation is 10,000:1 SOL.
This value WILL increase in the future the more users we have on the system. The value is also tied to the price fluctuations of the Solana token.

Why Choose Solana Network

Bitcoin and Ethereum showed us that it was possible to revitalize this vision through blockchains, allowing us to create an open financial ecosystem while empowering individuals to take ownership of their data.

The goal is to ensure that not only can it be accessible to everyone, but that it can also be scalable enough to support real-world demand. For Solana, that means providing the fastest, low-fee, censorship-resistant blockchain to enable high-growth applications to democratize the world’s financial system.

Blazing fast speeds and no mempool congestion. 400ms block times and sub-second confirmations allow for over 50,000 transactions per second. Web 3.0 with Web 2.0 speed.

Forget about network fees

With the ability to send 1 million transactions across the network for approximately $10 USD, users can forget about volatile and expensive transaction fees.

Sign Up today and receive 100 free TTSP Tokens

Get The TTSP Token On Aldrin or Jupiter labs

You can currently swap your current Solana based crypto for our tokens on Jupiter Labs

seize the means of production

Early Investors

We intend to seize the means of production, by creating a Decentalized Organization (DAO) for those heavy goals we need investors / voters. All of this shit is not going to be cheap.
And if we are going to provide a service for the people of Trinidad and Tobago we will need financial assistance. Send donations to TriniSocialistSystem.Sol


With the sense of being transparent. We will list all wallet balances publicly at multiple locations on the website. Then we decide as a community what to spend the money on.