Trinidad and Tobago National Socialist Party

Together We Aspire, Together We Will Achieve

If youre tired of the current system of exploitative capitalism served up by corrupt politicians.
Then our party is calling out to you

About Us
Do better Trinidad and Tobagored sun

Services that We Aim To Provide

Aside from crypto, you provide all of the services to each other.

Water Leak

Report water leaks in your area.


Find a Pothole. Report a Pothole.

Sou Sou

Online Sou Sou App.


List your local products and services for free. Powered by the Solana Token

Trinidad Corruption

A list of corrupt corporations and businessmen operating in Trinidad and Tobago.

Jobs & Talent

Showcase your talents and Skills for Free. Online Resume.


Tired of Corrupt Politicians?

In recent years, there has been increasing public outcry over the theft of oil wealth by corrupt officials. In many cases, our wealth has been squandered on lavish personal expenditures, while the people of the country where the oil was extracted remain mired in poverty. It is time to fight back.

Report Corruption

Why Our Socialist System Makes Sense

We believe in the power of mutual aid and direct action to create a better world. We reject the idea that change can only come from the top down, and instead embrace the power of people coming together to create solutions to the problems we face.
We reject the idea that some people are more deserving of support than others.


Capitalism is Exploitative

At its core, capitalism is an exploitative system that benefits the few at the expense of the many


Eliminate Extreme Poverty in Trinidad and Tobago

No Trini should do without. Read about our poverty elimination plan.


Workers Unite

By taking control of the means of production that is how we get them to listen.
Join Our Worker collective.